
License Statement:

This license statement confirms that Nemo Gaming holds complete ownership of the license for the specified product. Additionally, the development partner has duly signed an agreement with Nemo Dev to obtain their license. We assure you that every effort has been made to ensure proper licensing and copyright compliance.

We kindly request that individuals or entities republishing content from Nemo Gaming on their websites adhere to the following requirement: a License file link must be prominently displayed, providing easy access to the terms and conditions of the license. This ensures transparency and accountability in the use of our content.

If you have any concerns regarding the licensing of the product or believe that it infringes upon your copyright, we kindly request you to contact us at We are fully committed to addressing and resolving any such issues promptly and fairly.

At Nemo Gaming, we value intellectual property rights and strive to maintain a high standard of legal compliance. Your cooperation and communication are greatly appreciated as we work towards an amicable resolution.

Nemo Gaming hereby declares ownership of the license and copyright for all content associated with Nemo Gaming. For any issues requiring resolution or grievances, please direct them to

Resources uploaded on or operated under the Media Center's supervision are subject to platform-specific usage licenses.

Games acquired by Nemo Gaming through acquisitions will also come with accompanying licenses. We utilize these licenses to authenticate ownership or establish ownership rights in case of disputes.

Furthermore, parties filing complaints should contact the respective governing entity for verification purposes. Nemo Gaming will collaborate to provide supporting evidence of its rights.

This is one of the rights that Nemo Gaming obtains when granted a license. Modifying the product depends on our specific needs for its usage. Even without modifications, we retain the right to utilize them.

This does not imply exclusive use by us; even other developers have the right to use the source code if licensed. Additionally, it acknowledges that we have the right to use them for general purposes.


•    Where do Nemo Gaming's gaming products originate from? Nemo Gaming's gaming products are either developed by Nemo Gaming's programmers or by the Media Center. Additionally, we use APIs from affiliated entities when publishing content on

Moreover, some products are licensed from other platforms such as codecanyon, marketjs, buy.html5games, buyhtml5, buy-instant-html5games,, sellmyapp, and others.

•    Do your products have licenses? Yes, all products uploaded on Nemo Gaming have usage licenses, except for those developed by Nemo Gaming's technical team or the Media Center.

•    How can I verify rights and licenses? In the event of a dispute, we will use our licenses to verify the claims. This can be challenging when verifying the rights of the disputing party, validating Nemo Gaming's licenses, and confirming the rights of the seller on the platform.

For example: Company A files a complaint regarding a game on their website that violates their copyright. They must provide a copyright certificate, while Nemo Gaming also presents supporting documents for their rights. If the matter remains unresolved, contact will be made with the supplying entity/platform for verification.

•    When should resources on Nemo Gaming be removed? When we cannot provide a license or demonstrate that Nemo Gaming has purchased it, removal becomes necessary. In cases where the product is uploaded by an external developer (developer partners), we will work with that developer to provide a final response. You can refer to the "Developer Partner Policy Violation" for further information on how we handle violators.

•    When should a developer's product be removed? When there is a dispute and the developer fails to provide evidence of copyright or usage licenses. Nemo Gaming will remove the game and permanently suspend payment balances for that developer.

•    In which cases might a complaint not be successful? When all parties possess resources, have licenses, and cannot substantiate a violation.

For instance: Nemo Gaming purchases a game on codecanyon (which naturally comes with a download and usage license). Company A also possesses the same asset and has a license. We will verify the codecanyon license, and codecanyon will proceed with verifying the seller for resolution. If verification is not possible, no party has the right to continue the complaint against Nemo Gaming.

For any remaining license-related concerns, please send a written request to We will work together to address these issues.